Lobakon Air logó

Lobakon Air
logo design

Project Description

Lobakon Air is a newly established company specializing in the establishment, maintenance,
and commissioning of industrial air technology.

In this project, our main goal was to create a design that embodies airiness, minimalism, and integrates visually with the industrial sector.

The logo features three simple shapes, evoking
a sense of a propeller unit. However, through color, we emphasize the comprehensiveness
of the services and their three main phases: planning, execution, and maintenance.

The stationery's main element was the logo,
and to create visual consistency, necessary
and frequently used print materials such as business cards and document designs
were also prepared.

Furthermore, we considered online presence crucial for maintaining consistency. Therefore, post image templates and cover image templates were created, which the client can modify
and reuse according to their needs.

Lobakon Air logó
Arculat színei és betűtípusai
Arculat látványterv - logó pólóba hímezve
Névjegykártya design látványterv - fém felületen elhelyezett névjegykártyák
Arculatterv design elemek - árajánlat és teljesítési igazolás látványterv
Névjegykártya design látványterv - fém felületen elhelyezett névjegykártyák
Arculat látványterv - logó pólóba hímezve
Arculatterv design elemek - árajánlat és teljesítési igazolás látványterv