Oh honey logo design
Project Description
Oh Honey's goal is to introduce people to a new side of honey: they create flavored, premium-quality honeys using only natural ingredients.
We all know that honey is healthy and has numerous beneficial effects.
Azt már mindnyájan tudjuk, hogy a méz egészséges, és számos jótékony hatással bír.
Az Oh Honey célja viszont,
hogy alternatívát teremtsen
However, Oh Honey's aim is to provide an alternative in everyday care: to offer care and health as gifts to each other through an exciting gastronomic experience.
Since the upcoming products will come in various colors, our objective was for the logo to appear in a clean form on labels and other materials that will carry these special colors.
The typographic logo somewhat evokes the glittering, rich visual world of Art Deco, departing from the familiar look of black and yellow, bees and hexagons when it comes to honey.
The contrasting letters exude confidence, but the letterforms still reflect a kind of organized irregularity (due to the thickness differences in the thin stems), which can be found in nature as well.
The "seal" logo features the brand's initials, arranged to symbolize hugging people. This emphasizes the importance of caring. However, the abstraction of the figure keeps us in the Art Deco ambiance.